American Academy of Audiology (AAA) -Hear Tech

American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference is going to be held in at Denver, USA starting from 14 April. It would be a 4 days business Conference organized by National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) focusing on the companies news, products and services of Science & Research, Medical & Pharma industry.


46th Annual Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Congress

Join fellow nurse innovators at ONS Congress™, the largest, most comprehensive oncology nursing conference in the country. ONS Congress brings together clinical knowledge, research, direct patient care, and advocacy resulting in innovation that can impact the future of cancer care. Join us to garner evidence-based solutions, network with your peers, and earn up to 133.5 NCPD contact hours that will help you spark change in your practice.

College of the Canyons Spring Career Fair

The Virtual Focused Job Fairs are a great way to connect with business representatives from the Healthcare, Professional Services, Hospitality, Applied Technology and Education industries. They're looking to fill positions now or in the near future. Each employer will be available during a two-hour time frame to connect with you individually. This will be similar to standing in line at a job fair. You will enter a Zoom waiting room for each employer during their scheduled time and will be connected directly with the employer in the order in which you arrive in the waiting room. Once let into their Zoom room, you will have a brief opportunity to discuss their open positions, hiring processes and ask questions. Make sure you dress professionally, and you're prepared to talk about your skills and experience, as well as ask questions.

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